torsdag 9 december 2010

English Blog Entry

I am angry as hell! I just came home from the producer, you know I visited him cause I am on my way to be a great rock star. But do you know what he told me? I going to take it from the beginning.
I’ve always been in a band, an awesome rock-band! We’ve had many events were me and my band played and the audience loved us. And you know I love to do this, I love me and my band much more than our fans!  We have known each other for a very long time, and we’ve always been like brothers to each other. Our gigs became better and better and the audience loved us even more after every gig. Now we had concerts quite often, and instead of pay to have a concert we got paid to be there. It wasn’t so much we could live on just that but it was good to have little extra money in your pocket all the time. And we could buy a few new cool instruments that we didn’t afford earlier.
But whatever, now back to the story. When we started to get money we wore willing to go on concerts far away from home to get more money and to get famous. It kept on going good and we loved it! One day, actually last week a man called me, he had a really dark voice that I remembered from somewhere. But the guy asked me if we could take a lunch and discuss my band. I thought it sounded strange but I agreed.
A day later down at a restaurant i was waiting for him, just as we decided. After a few minutes he arrived. And now I remembered who he was, he’s a famous producer for god sight! How couldn’t I remember that when he called?! But there we were, and I was so excited and happy! We started talking about my band and I told him how good we were and that we had many great fans. He said he already knew, and that he wanted to support and coach me. He also said that he was going to pay for all our instruments and so on. I didn’t know what to say, but I’ve never been so happy in my life before! When I really knew it was true I said yes, and that I really appreciated it! He asked me if I was ready to change. I was so happy so of course I said yes here too.
A few days later we met again, but this time at his office. He had many pictures of big rock stars on his walls. We started to discuss the contract I had to sign. But then a strange thing happened, I told the guy that I talked with my band and everyone agreed to cooperate with him. When I said that he got mad, he almost yelled at me. He said that the contract only was for me, and that he had big plans for me not for my little band.
- You can’t tell your band yet! I have plans for you, not your little band. You told me you were ready to change boy! He shouted.
I didn’t want to fight with that man, he was famous! I tried not to sound mad at all (In fact I was furious!) when I told him I wasn’t ready to leave my band. Then I just walked out of there, and he did not say a word.
I thought he was trying to fool me somehow, but I don’t know. After that I gathered my band and told them that everything was a bluff, and that they were my brothers. I wouldn’t leave them in the first place. What I learned from this is that I love my brothers, and that friends are more important than money and to be famous. Sometimes I think that I took the wrong decision, but it was worth it anyway.

måndag 15 november 2010

16/11 - 10

Äntligen! Nu har jag skrivit klart hela reportaget och jag har skickat in både kamrat respons och mitt eget reportage. Det känns härligt att vara klar med det!

torsdag 11 november 2010

Svenska lektion 11/11

Nu har jag i princip skrivit klart hela reportaget! Jag har skickat det till Philip som ska ge respons till det. Jag har själv fått Philips reportage och har börjat läsa de. Det är lite svårt att hitta negativa saker idet men jag skall nog hitta något. 

Jag har jobbat mycket med reportaget hemma, men jag har missat att blogga om det.

måndag 8 november 2010

Svenska lektion måndag 8/11

Nu har jag fortsatt skriva på reportaget. Jag har också läst Endres reportage och gett lite snabb respons till honom. Pernilla läste också igenom mitt reportage och jag verkar vara på rätt väg!

Arbete på lovet v. 44

På fredagen innan lovet hade jag min intervju. Den gick bra och de kändes skönt att få den gjord! Under lovet har jag först skrivit av den inspelade intervjun på datorn. Sedan har jag också börjat skriva en text. Jag själv tycker det är ganska svårt att få det till en målande text med miljöbeskrivningar och allt blandat. Men det känns ändå som att det går framåt och att jag nog lyckas ändå!

torsdag 28 oktober 2010

Svenskalektion 28/10 v. 43

Idag har jag äntligen lyckats fixa en intervju. Den ska äga rum någon tid imorgon, har inte bestämt tid riktigt än, men jag har mailkontakt med en kille. Jag har också ändrat lite på frågorna eftersom jag skall intervjua en tjej från gröna ungdom som är 18 år. Mina frågor var först menade för en aktiv miljö partist.

torsdag 21 oktober 2010

Svenskalektion 21/10

Idag har jag hittat på olika frågor och letat information om miljöpartiet. Jag har inte lyckats boka in en intervju än, men har mailat och väntar på svar. Annars har det gått ganska bra!